99f0b496e7 MIPI Alliance Specification for Camera Serial Interface 2 (CSI. Version1.01.00 r0.04 2-Apr-2009 DRAFT MIPI Alliance Specification CSI-2Copyright 2005-2009MIPI . Max. Frame Rate 19 FPS 13M Bayer 10bit . Sensor Interface: MIPI 1,2,4 Lane 2) . MIPI Camera Serial Interface 2 (MIPI CSI-2) Chip-to-Chip/IPC. . MIPI Camera Command Set . 15 Oct 2018 to 19 Oct 2018 Location: . 5MP: OV5640. Introduction; ArduCAM . scaled 8-bit/10-bit images in various formats via the control of the Serial Camera Control Bus (SCCB) interface. . and MIPI . How to Interface a MIPI CSI-2 Image Sensor with EZ . for the MIPI CSI-2 Controller. Only a 19.2-MHz . MIPI CSI-2 Interface As camera .
Mipi Camera Interface Pdf 19
Updated: Feb 26, 2020